Torro Utd AFC Players Code:
- Play for enjoyment, not just to please your parents or coaches.
- Play by the laws of the game
- Play with control, try not to lose your temper
- Always accept the referees’ decision
- Play for yourself and for your team – your team’s performance will benefit and so will your own.
- Be a “good sport”. Applaud all good play whether by your team or the opposition.
- Respect your opponent. Treat all players as you would like to be treated. Do not bully or take advantage of any player.
- Co-operate with the coach, team-mates, and opponents.
- Remember the goals of the game are to have fun, improve your skills and feel good.
- At the final whistle applaud and thank your opponents and the referee for the match.
- Always remember that you owe a duty of care to your opponents.
- Tackle hard but fair, do not intend to hurt your opponent.
- Win with humility – lose with dignity.
- It is the Players responsibility to take care of his/her own personal equipment.
- Players are responsible to make sure all information and/or handouts are given to their Parents/Guardians.
- Players must arrive on time and attend every practice and every game (unless the coach is notified in advance).
As a parent/legal guardian of a child involved with Torro Utd AFC, I agree to abide by and follow these rules and guidelines:
- I will promote the emotional and physical well-being of the players ahead of my personal desire to win.
- I will remember that my child plays soccer for his/her enjoyment, not mine.
- I will encourage good sportsmanship through my actions by demonstrating positive support for all players.
- I will provide support for coaches and officials working with the players to provide a positive experience for all.
- I will ensure that my child treats all players, coaches, officials, parents, and spectators with respect, regardless of race, creed, colour, sex, or ability.
- I will treat all players, coaches, officials, parents, and spectators with dignity. I will not use improper language, poor attitude, behavior, or mannerisms.
- I will cheer for my child and his/her team and allow the coach to do his/her job of coaching.
- I understand that making physical contact with any coach, player, or official will result in expulsion from the club.
- I will not taunt any player, coach, or official. We want our coaches to worry about their players, not parents. The players should enjoy their experience, especially on game day, and not have adults interfere with their games in a negative manner.
- I will ensure my son/daughter is prepared, properly dressed and on time for all practices, games, club events.
*I understand that by signing this document, I am agreeing to support and promote this parent/legal guardian code of conduct agreement. Further, my failure to comply with this agreement or my participation in any defined conduct subject to discipline will result in disciplinary action, up to and including expulsion from Torro Utd AFC.
Notification by coaches for Training & Matches
Coaches inform parents/guardians about upcoming training sessions and matches via SMS or text message or WhatsApp group or designated Sports App such as Teamer, Clubforce, or Spond.
It is vitally important that parents/guardians respond to such notifications within the specified time frame, as coaches need to plan and prepare sessions according to the availability of players
This is also a matter of respect to opposing teams making the effort to travel to fixtures.
Clubs receive fines and penalties when they are unable to field sufficient numbers for participation in NECSL fixtures.
The “48 Hour Rule”.
As a club, Torro Utd AFC ask all club officials, coaches, and parents of players to abide by the “48-Hour Rule”.
Where grievances are felt, we believe it is best practice to employ a cooling off period of at least 48 hours from the time of the incident.
Certain time frames are regarded as unsuitable to address issues:
- Directly after matches have finished.
- Before matches commence.
- Before training sessions commence. Where practicable, club officials should be informed of the issue prior to contact.
- Torro Utd AFC advise that any grievances be aired when training sessions finish, never in the presence of children, and conducted in a reasonable manner.
When an urgent message needs to get out to the team, please do not rely solely on SMS/Text/Messaging. Phone calls need to be made.
Players will not be permitted to participate in any official NEFL activity until Player registration Form has been completed in full and signed by both the Player and where applicable their Parent/Guardian (Under 18)
Torro Utd AFC Players Code:
- Play for enjoyment, not just to please your parents or coaches.
- Play by the laws of the game.
- Always accept the referees’ decision. Abusing of match officials will not be tolerated.
- Play with control; try not to lose your temper.
- Play for yourself and for your team – your team’s performance will benefit and so will your own.
- Be prepared, properly dressed and on time for all practices, games, club events.
- Be a “good sport”. Applaud all good play whether by your team or the opposition.
- Respect your opponent. Treat all players, as you would like to be treated. Do not bully or take advantage of any player. Treat all players, coaches, officials, parents, and spectators with respect, regardless of race, creed, colour, sex, or ability.
- Co-operate with the coach, team-mates, and opponents.
- I will promote the emotional and physical well-being of the players ahead of my personal desire to win.
- I will encourage good sportsmanship through my actions by demonstrating positive support for all players.
- I will provide support for coaches and officials working with the players to provide a positive experience for all.
- I will treat all players, coaches, officials, parents, and spectators with dignity. I will not use improper language, poor attitude, behaviour, or mannerisms.
- I will allow the coach to do his/her job of coaching.
- I understand that making physical contact with any coach, player, or official will result in expulsion from the club.
Notification by Coaches for Training & Matches
Coaches inform Players about upcoming training sessions and matches via SMS/text message/WhatsApp group or designated Sports App such as Teamer, Clubforce, or Spond.
It is vitally important that players respond to such notifications within the specified time frame, as coaches need to plan and prepare sessions according to availability of players
This is also a matter of respect to opposing teams making the effort to travel to fixtures.
Clubs receive fines and penalties, and ultimately suspension when they are unable to field sufficient numbers for participation in NEFL / NEFLW fixtures.
All holidays and time away is to be communicated to the management team at the earliest possible opportunity. Weekends away, stag and hen parties, Concerts/gigs (Electric Picnic etc…) weddings, holidays abroad, births, kids confirmations and communions etc… are all events that are known well in advance. Informing management the week beforehand or at training that week is unacceptable. We need two weeks’ notice to postpone a game. Leaving your teammates and coaches with short notice and potentially not fielding or injured teammates playing to make up numbers is not desirable. Have respect for your coaches, teammates and club!
The “48 Hour Rule”
As a club, Torro Utd AFC ask all club officials, coaches, players and parents of players to abide by the “48 Hour Rule”.
Where grievances are felt, we believe it is best practice to employ a cooling off period of at least 48 hours from the time of the incident.
I understand that by signing this document, I am agreeing to support and promote this player code of conduct agreement. Further, my failure to comply with this agreement or my participation in any defined conduct subject to discipline will result in disciplinary action, up to and including expulsion from Torro Utd AFC.